Nox-Rust®5400 Weldable Rust Preventive

OEM-approved Nox-Rust 5400 Corrosion Inhibitor Coating also proven as effective weldable rust preventive.

The metalworking industry’s most recognized rust preventive liquid is now    proven effective also as a weldable RP, according to new testing by a leading manufacturer of heavy equipment.  Daubert Cromwell’s Nox-Rust 5400 VCI oil is shown to be a safe, ready-to-use, weldable coating that protects metal surfaces without affecting the quality of the weld.  Corrosion protection on welded metals lasts for up to 5 years, indoors.

Nox-Rust 5400 is known as an effective corrosion inhibitor, providing protection for cold rolled steel and metal stampings, as well as metal parts used in the automotive, heavy equipment and machinery industries.  The light oil leaves a lubricating, corrosion preventive film that will not interfere with stamping oils, or processing oils. It is now clear thatNox-Rust 5400 does not interfere with the welding process, either.  Recent tests showed plates protected with Nox-Rust 5400 could be welded together without having to remove the protective coating with solvents or cleaning solution.  The welding process and the weld itself were unaffected.  Nox-Rust 5400 does not compromise weld quality or contribute to hydrogen induced cracking.

During side-by-side comparative testing, Nox-Rust 5400 was observed to produce minimal weld splatter and did not require as frequent cleaning of the weld nozzle, both important workplace cost-saving considerations. 

Ready-to-use Nox-Rust 5400 is available in 11 oz. aerosol spray, 5-gal pails, and 55-gal drums. For more information, contact Daubert Cromwell at +1-708-293-7750;

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